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Luis R. Quiñones-Escobar Photo Luis R. Quiñones-Escobar Hover Photo
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Luis R. Quiñones-Escobar


Luis R. Quiñones-Escobar

As the oldest of the group and founder, I have seen many different business cycles. I was part of the 70s and 80s inflation ridden times and was part of the bull market of the 80s and 90s. I lived through the financial recessions of October 1987, Black Monday, the tech bubble of 2000, 9/11, the Great Recession of 2008, Covid Pandemic and many more significant events throughout my more than 50-year career.

I have seen many fads come and go, many too good to be true products and many advisors over-promising and under-delivering. But without a doubt, the advisors who have survived and thrived over the years are the ones who shifted from a product-driven approach into a financial planning-driven approach.

My group's commitment, over the years, in acquiring the designations of CFP®, CIMA®, and CLU® along with an MBA and a degree in Risk Management and Insurance, attest to our drive to keep learning and evolving as markets continuously change.

I am very excited about our future and the opportunities it may bring; however, most of all, always thankful for the opportunity and privilege to help our clients.

Personal Facts

I am a baseball fan, an avid Yankee supporter, which brings up many interesting conversations with my Bostonian friends and fans!

I have been blessed in having the full support of my lifetime partner, my wife Nadja. She has been and still is my rock. I have been blessed in having 4 outstanding children, the three of them working together as a group, while my daughter, living in Florida, pursues her career in mental health counseling.

It has been one great journey, and we are ready to continue marching on.

Check the background of this investment professional on FINRA's BrokerCheck.

Jose E. Quiñones CIMA® CFP® Photo Jose E. Quiñones CIMA® CFP® Hover Photo
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Jose E. Quiñones CIMA® CFP®

Jose E. Quiñones

Financial Advisor

I help individuals, families and business owners make good financial decisions about money. Whether we can help choose, monitor and review their ideal retirement, education, insurance, investment or tax reduction strategy, each client is different and our advice is tailored to those particular needs. 

It has been extremely rewarding and a privilege to learn about our clients' life stories, the triumphs, their goals, their challenges, and how through the process of financial planning we constantly adjust to stay close to that Big Picture. 

We are very excited about what the future brings and are humbled to have the opportunity to help.

Personal Facts

I was a collegiate and professional volleyball player, had the opportunity to travel the world, live abroad, and compete at the highest level. 

I have a wonderful wife and three beautiful children. We love traveling and often visit my wife's family in southern Sicily. They have been, by far, my biggest blessing, my motivation and my support team.

Check the background of this investment professional on FINRA's BrokerCheck.

To the extent that I am providing you with investment advisory services, including either financial planning services or ongoing investment advice as part of an Osaic FS investment advisory program (i.e., fee-based managed account) pursuant to a written agreement and related disclosures that describes this investment advisory relationship, I am acting in a fiduciary capacity related to those services under the federal securities laws, in particular the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.

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